I have got all the mystique of how to use a VOR for tracking and navigation out of my system, I think.

Since we use a Garmin GNS430 on our Warriors there are two ways to track using VOR stations. Method 1 is to use VLOC function by homing to the station's frequency. Method 2 is to use the GPS & OBS function of the 430.
The 430 tells us via a message what track to use and so I dial up the OBS the track and follow the CDI to or from the VOR station.
For intercepts to and from a station there are basically 4 scenarios:-
Inbound to Inbound
Dial up the desired new Inbound track on the OBS and turn the aircraft in the direction following the CDI (say to the left) by say 30 deg. And when the CDI tries to center, turn the aircraft progressively following the rate of turn of the CDI to the opposite direction ie to the right to the new track.
Outbound to Outbound
Dial up the desired new Outbound track on the OBS and turn the aircraft in the direction following the CDI (say to the left) and cross the old track by 30 deg.
Inbound to Outbound
Dial up the desired new track on the OBS and turn the aircraft in the opposite sense to the CDI and stop the turn 30 deg before the new Outbound track.
Outbound to Inbound
Dial up the new desired track on the OBS and turn the aircraft in the opposite sense to the CDI and stop the turn 60 deg or so before the new Inbound track.
1. Whilst flying the plane keep an eye out to the VOR station if you can see it and have a sense of where and how far you are from the station.
2. It will always be useful if you can visualise where your plane is and is turning to, in the real world ie N-S-E-W sector of a DG.
3. Using the GPS/OBS function is sometimes helpful because the GNS430 will display the track you are tracking to or from in the form of a white line to help the pilot visualise the true scenario of the intercepts.
4. When navigating using the GPS function do not toggle the OBS function on in the 430 because that is only useful for intercepts to a station. If the aerodrome or ground station has no VOR transmitter then toggle the GPS function on and DIAL UP the track you wish to home in to or track away from. This function works like a VLOC and actually shows the track you have dialed up.