Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day by Day Reflections for 3 weeks

MY OTHER HALF IS AWAY for 3 weeks .....

Wed 07/08 - 在家吃腼仔当晚饭, 哈哈哈。
Thu 08/08 - Pad Thai. I wanted to have Padang food at Selero Kito Malvern East so I made my way there after work. SK is located in Malvern East. Unlucky for me they were shut tonight to celebrate Aidil Fitri. I then went in to a cafe style take away shop next door to try this little Thai cafe a few doors down (Preaw-Pak Thai Restaurant & Take Away) and ordered a Pad Thai. For $11 it is a little out of wack but, hey, what the heck; I needed it. The waitress said "Mai Bian Lai" ; when I finished my meal and took the plate over to her. It is my habit ....
Fri 09/08 - Selero Kito? It was not to be, again. I kept ringing the restaurant whilst driving home in 068 but it rang out. Oh well. What to do? I stopped by Rich Maha on the way home to get a take away. I decided on dried mutton curry, dhal and cabbage. Poured the contents on a plate at home, turned on the heater, made a cup of lavazza, plonked myself down on the couch and had my tv dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed the dinner.
Oh yeah, I even had two half boiled eggs this morning. Last two in the fridge. Tomorrow morning I want to get up early, go get some free range eggs (as I am out of them), get my newspapers, get some french rolls. Tomorrow's forecast is sunny and 17, hoo hoo.
Sat 10/08 Busy morning for me but quite relaxing. Lunch @ 川府酒家 Suchuan House, Vistoria St, Richmond with my folks. First I tried finding a restaurant we have not been before on Bridge Rd then we decided ok let's try this one on Victoria St. We were being adventurous and ordered a couple of dishes especially this one 沸鹏鱼片. OMG I wished we didn't order this because the fish fillets were cooked in a bath of hot oil. I hope they do not recycle the oil (地沟油). The dish was everything as good as our favorite dish 水煮鱼 at Dumpling King, though. The 扣肉 was exceptional, soft, thinly sliced, full of flavor.
Sun 11/08 - Talked to Tony V about visiting Brussels in 2014. He sent me a picture of his house .... It must be summer in Europe .....
I had a relaxing Sunday .... early start of the day, a bit of house work, a light lunch, a snooze on the couch, a bit of home work, and then I was off to the city to have dinner with my folks. I promised to take them out to Burmese House and we did just that.
I ordered Burma fish curry, chicken yellow split-pea which I never had before, and Mog Hin Gha, again. Dad loved the curries, Mom loved the MHG and fish curry. Happy. I missed Grand Designs and the election debate because I was out but oh well; I can always catch up on iview.
Mon 12/08 Mom gave me some home cooked beef rendang by Big Bro last night. Tonight I cooked some rice and ate the rendang with some ice berg. The rendang was of a high standard. The meat was tender and soft. Yum.

Tue 13/08 Can't remember what I had for dinner .... something unimpressive I am sure.
Wed 14/08 Finally tonight I was able to eat Nasi Padang at Selero Kito. Hoo Hoo. It was a shitty day at work, too. Lots of stuff ups and sorting problems out. So it was very apt that I ended the day with good ol' nasi padang.
Tonight I had beef rendang (in the picture it appears as a black puddle of food) and ayam goreng chilli. The rendang meat was cooked well but hada bit of texture to it, but absolutely very flavorsome. The chilli chicken was spicy and fresh. I loved it. I ordered more rendang and ayam goreng without chilli for a take away. It would be my dinner for tomorrow night.
Today I heard a bad news from SM that J's sister is diagnosed with breast cancer. She rang to ask for info on miracle grass. Hopefully the miracle grass will heal her of the cancer.


我是王秀琴,第3 期卵巢癌症病友,10个月后复发,变成第4期也就是末期癌症病人。同学传了一则电邮给我,太平有一个末期癌症病人名叫刘联辉,他吃了13天的优遁草后癌症 就痊愈了。我看到这则电邮后,马上买好机票去Penang,再換车去Taiping太平找刘先生。刘联辉先生真得是一个很有善心的大好人,不但指点我如何 吃优遁草,还对我信心滿满地说:”你不用怕,你一定会好的!你会没事的”。他也免费为当地的癌症病人提供优遁草,我在他那里连续吃了10天新鲜的优遁草, 又帶了一大包回来,前后我一共吃了15天。第2次化疗前我检验CA125,指数下降了45%,本来有一粒4X5cm的肿瘤也不见了。当我服用了优遁草数日 后, 我已感到精神饱满, 似乎恢复到生病前那种精力充沛的状态, 这使我对自已会康复的信心大增.渐渐地我的身体变得轻松起来,精神也很好,体重也增加了。因此,我逐渐放下心中的种种疑虑, 决定 采用最天然的方法去战胜疾病并进行长久的健康保健。去太平吃优遁草之前,我有向太平的朋友/亲人打听,他们说优遁草没有毒素,有些居民当蔬菜炒辣椒来吃, 还有些人煮快熟面时也丢一小把下去当蔬菜来吃,而且效果很好,所以我就给自己一个机会,没想到效果比我想象的更好!
第 2次化疗前医生问我有没有掉头发,我回答没有。他问我是不是有吃中药,我回答没有,我只吃一种草叫Sabah snake grass优遁草。他说这次化疗药性很强 ,头发肯定 会掉,但是巳经化疗了2次,我头发还是没有掉。我于2011年6月3日做了第4次化疗,化疗前,我的验血表告中CA125指数已经完全恢复正常〔目前我的 CA125指数降至16.8,凡36以下属于正常范围)。医生说以我目前病情康复的如此良好进展,我的化疗疗程可能会由原先开始预计的6次减少至4次,这对我来说可是一个天大的好消息!
  • 优盾草治癌是真得有效吗?
优遁草治癌是马来西亚民间的流传,目前还没有医学上的证明。要有临床研究证明可治癌,可能需要等上10到20年的时间。在泰国医学证明是可治泡疹, 在印尼民间把优遁草用在肾萎缩患者,在槟城用在缓解洗肾后的不适反应,在太平用在治癌。3年来已救了约一千人。要知道详情请直接询问刘联辉先生 (HP:+60103814643)。优遁草功效因人而异,体质,心态和优遁草如果配合的好是很有效力,有很多例子可以证明,包括我自己。
25/05 /2011年新生活报登刊,优遁草并非100%包好的仙丹,但是也有90%左右的康复率。当然, 如果病患按照所建议的数量及方法试服用了优遁草4至6个星期后(同时也遵守了所忌服的食物和中药),身体状况仍然沒有任何明显的改进的话,那就意味着也许 优遁草对患者帮助十分有限。这种情况下,建议患者能够尽快寻找其它方法,不要一直坚持下去。因为每个人的体质以及病情都不同,优遁草不一定对所有人都有 效。尽管优遁草不会对人体有害,但是倘若不对症却仍盲目依赖,有时反而可能导致延误病患尝试其它有效的治疗的时机。癌症患者必须抱持乐观态度是非常重要 的,开心时免疫力上升,难过时免疫力下降。听说马来西亚JohorJaya的专科医院也鼓励癌症病人手术后或化疗后服用优遁草。急性的癌症有如火在燃烧, 与死神和时间在赛跑。当生命在危急时,病人和家人的焦虑,惊恐不安,无助,作为过来人的我有深深的体会。 03Jun2011我在NCC看到新患癌的病人在流淚,我很心酸!彷佛看到自己当时知道是末期的癌症病患时难于接受的情景,亲人,同学,打电话给我时,我 还在哭泣。我走过去找她,我以现身说法告诉她,我吃了优遁草后病情改善好多了,我也把报纸和我的文章赠送给她,还有送给很多其他NCC病人。过后她打电话 去牛车水买不到货,我给5家的电话她一家一家打去试,最后她打电话去31 Seletar West Farmway 1 买 到 了 , 至少她 有了希望! 她肯给自己机会,她会得救的! 将心比心, 我很希望和我同病相怜的癌症病人能够脱离恶境 ,早日痊愈。别人帮我, 我帮别人, 回馈社会。 要不要尝试选择在于您自己,命运是掌握在您自己的手里! 如果老天要帮您 ,我为您高兴!我传达这信息,花钱花时间花精力,免费供您参考而巳。祝福您,祝您好运!早日痊愈! 感谢您!王秀琴 Kim
(欲知我患癌症第3期的心路旅程和相片, 请看”心理篇-爱的力量“。)
Thu 15/08 Dinner was the take away I bought from SK. I just boiled the rice, dumped the rendang and fried chicken on top of the rice while it was cooking, and it was done.
Sat 17/08 Tamsin is here in Melbourne visiting all of us and helping her big bro shift home. We had a lunch at big sis's home .... the musician in the family entertained us with his renditions ....
Whilst I was having a snooze in the couch my niece took this picture of me
Mon 19/08 I invited Big Sis and Bro In Law to have dinner with me at SK. I thought it was appropriate to spend some time with them. Last Saturday was the first time we met since they got back from their holidays in April. SM and I have been extremely busy in our lives lately. I because of work since I began having my sales area and SM was always busy taking care of the home and me. I thought they might like SK and they did.
Tue 20/08 I had my dinner at home eating a take away from SK. I was on the phone with mom on the way back home and she laughed and said "who do you talk to nowadays". So hilarious.
Wed 21/08 Had a Domino's Hawaiian pizza all by myself. SM would not have been very impressed with my dietary discipline. This morning I went for a site visit to Wonthaggi, to the desalination plant. The whole round trip journey was about 250kms. I enjoyed the drive as I allowed myself plenty of time before the late morning appointment; and I even got a chance to have a latte at a Kilcunda cafe. At a nearby lookout point I snapped a picture of the Bass Straits. The day was beau-ti-ful. Not too cold. I felt free, not stressed. It was fantastic.

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Thu 22/08 I had a nice day at work. Some of the stuff ups I have to fix on equipment wrongly  specified by the sales guy whose area I took over are coming to an end. i can see light at the end of the tunnel. The desal plant truck would have a mast swap to make it work on the site. Hooray. I hope tomorrow would be a nice day for me as well, that would be a good way to finish off the week.