Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Flying Training

Flying training is a discipline that takes up a lot of time. There are the theory exams to pass, and there are the general aircraft handling skills, circuit pattern skills, navigation skills, emergency procedures, ability to use GPS and nav aids that need to be learnt, and re-learnt.

Knowledge and skills do fade over time and so it is imperative that pilots keep up to date their skills and be consistent at all times before any flight.

And there is always the "downtime"..... the days when the weather gods are not kind to us and do not favor us with their sunshine and light winds..... These would have to be the most frustrating things to me personally because down times often hamper progress when you are keen to learn. We often get some lousy days or nights during winters where we get a lot of low clouds and precipitation. Weather poses dangers to all pilots who knowingly or unknowing push their envelope and it will always punish those who are careless but rewards those who are diligent and careful......

I remember vividly my flight training days at Royal Selangor Flying Club in KL, Malaysia. I was always excited about the flying. I was always early for my training. Eagerly reading up on the flight training notes and books in preparation for the ab-initio phase of training.
After obtaining my PPL i was always going out flying with my pilot buddy, Mitch to various airports. Those were days when I would be happy to just spend all my waking hours thinking of flying......

The training days in Royal Victorian Aero Club were more structured and disciplined. I progressed through more complex aircraft training including Seminole twin and night VFR. The Aero Club functions more like a flight school than a social club and so the training is more intensive and advanced.

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