Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Food Trouble

LOOKING FOR FOOD THAT SUITS our palette ranks as one of the toughest jobs I do. We like Japanese food but it's not easy finding one near our home. The best we have had is at the acclaimed Shira Nui but we had been turned away a few times because we did not have a booking.

Friday night we ronda ronda and could not decide on a restaurant to eat our dinner. Out of the blue we went to Kingsway, parked my truck, and walked into Yokohama in city walk. We walked past this restaurant often but never had the urge to eat Japanese. Tonight, we were in luck; we got in, grabbed a table and instantly felt comfortable that the menu was promising.  SM is a rice-person so she gravitated towards a tempura bento whilst I a Jap curry rice with pork. She's also an Inari and Nigri person so she got what she desired. Turned out it was a pleasant meal. Not great but a lot better than others we have had.

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