Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Today - 23181 steps (16.2km)

哇,好久没 update 我的 blog 了! Finally we have our internet connection today and so it is time I did something about my updates. 

It seems a long time ago when we were traveling, meeting friends, seeing new things and enriching our lives with new experiences. Home is warm (although it is 14 deg C outside the house) and offers SM and I our stability and familiarity. We are happy to be home after our 3 months of roaming around Asia....

Back home:- SM and I go to a Telstra shop to finalise our phone and cable connections .....


On with the Beijing story ..... 早上小张带我们乘地铁去 LIULICHANG 琉璃厂文化街看看。以前的琉璃工厂都在那儿开的但现在都是做旅客的生意,现是北京著名的古玩文化街。

老毛 is a big draw card for tourists

I have to photograph these fruits when I see them in this little garden nestled amongst all these shops selling stuff.

 Get it?

 It looks like a pretty restaurant but we didn't eat there

 毛笔和宣纸 for sale everywhere


 Here's 老毛 again

 Paper Cut Hours - Get it?

Somewhat fatigued from all the commercial shops around us we decide to nick off. 咱们打D去 SHICHAHAI 什刹海,北京唯一一处集自然风光,市井文化,传统民俗一体的旅游胜地,也是古都北京没有围墙的公园。 什刹海由前海,后海,西海组成柜,一水相连,波光碧影,古韵幽雅。

 什刹海酒吧街 BARSTREET -这里的夜晚灯红酒,热闹非凡。


逛逛胡同里的故居, 真是怡然自得

 Love this door

Aiyah there are more shops in this place!!!

YANDAI XIEJIE 烟袋斜街胡同呈斜形走向,清朝初年称为斜街。後来斜街上有了很多经营烟具的店铺;门口悬挂烟袋以招徕顾客。


 Post Office


 The Famous Ji's Roast Meat

After a long day of walking and sight seeing we are ready for more food. Isn't it nice that when you go on holiday you shop and eat (MODERATION)? I do spare some thoughts for our friends who have to work and put food on the table. But someone has to do it, right???

For our dinner tonight we go to Beijing 大碗居. This is the one in 崇文门 and it offers 北京家常菜。The food is great, the service is excellent and the company is good. We really enjoy it and again it is the highlight of the day .....

 北京啤酒 - how we love thee!!

 乾隆白菜 (simply named King Chinese Cabbage) is excellent and full-bodied. We love the sesame seed taste and smell.

韭菜盒子 Pan-fried leek pie

Simply named Home-made Braised Dish or 大碗居烩菜

 北京味儿 The Taste of Beijing

炖鲽鱼头泡饼 Stewed Fish Head Beijing Pie - the so called pie is very much like roti canai ..... Nice dish and we were so full after eating this grand finale dish. Really full.

I would recommend anyone to eat at the DAWANJU. Great food.

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