Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Sunday, March 31, 2013

No more 胡同

TODAY'S WEATHER IS A BIT COLD, DAMP & MISERABLE, IT'S 17 C AND A LITTLE WET. It feels like a perfect hot dumpling day for a cold day, so we are going to have lunch at Hutong Dumpling on Market Lane in Chinatown. This is a favorite dumpling restaurant for Melbournians especially the Aussies. There are more Aussies than Asians; 3 to 1, as is the norm. 

By 11.45am we are seated, feeling cozy,  and looking forward to eating our 小笼汤包 (XLB),鲜肉水饺,四川酸辣汤,and 四川担担面. We have always loved eating at Hutong Dumpling. Today, all's good except the 鲜肉水饺.

The 鲜肉水饺 dumpling skin is too thick for us unlike the ones we had at the same restaurant during our first few visits. It's easily about 5-6mm think whilst we rate the dumpling is great if the thickness is less than 2-3mm.

We are certainly well nourished and happy after the meal; even a sense of "satisfaction" prevails as a result of a full stomach. But no more 胡同 for this year, we conclude!

But the XLB is to die for. They are served hot, they are voluptuous and very tasty. Best eaten with ginger slices, vinegar and a bit of soy & chili to taste.  

Friday, March 29, 2013

Jack and Mai's

LAST NIGHT SM AND I WERE INVITED TO JACK & MAI'S HOUSE FOR DINNER. Tomorrow my sister and bro-in-law will be on holidays for 1 month. They have booked to go to KL, Ipoh, Kuching, HK and Taiwan. This is their first trip overseas since sis had her knee surgery and it took her nearly 2 years to be able to walk normally again.

Mai cooked some fantastic dishes tonight; every one was surprised and impressed how delicious the dishes were because we have never tasted her cooking. Mai is Cambodian and her dishes tasted a bit Thai. I especially loved the soup and the banana fritters with mango ice cream. Ever since we had that dessert I have asked 我家老太婆 to make that dessert for me again but so far nothing has come out of it ....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

MY BROTHER'S GARDEN is so productive, apart from the figs we have been harvesting every week for the last 4-5 weeks we are now harvesting the ferjoa. The common name for ferjoa is pineapple guava or guavasteen. It is a flowering plant in the myrtle family.

The ferjoa tastes a bit like the guava we are used to eating in Asia. But it is sweet as. I think my brother's garden is so productive because the soil in Northcote is fertile. In contrast we find our soil not fertile at all and the base is mostly clay.

The persimmons in the garden are growing rapidly in size and ripeness. I think by April we can be eating the beautifully sweet persimmons too.



Monday, March 18, 2013

Family dinner - always good

LAST NIGHT WE GOT INVITED TO SISTER'S HOME FOR DINNER. Brother in law Lee is the quintessential cook. He loves to cook and he likes to go back to his roots in what he cooks. He is Hakka like us and hails from near Ipoh so he knows what we know as far as food is concerned.

This night he has cooked us 猪肉春卷,叉烧春卷, 皮蛋, 炉猪肉, 咖喱菜, 例汤 and 我家老太婆 has cooked a gula Melaka panna cotta. It's east meets west i guess and I love the panna cotta.

This dinner is like 戬行餐 before they go away for their trip to Malaysia, HK and Taiwan.

How to be Indispensable in your job

It's pretty hard to sack the bloke who runs the office footy tipping competition, even if he is completely useless.
Charismatic people have a knack for making themselves indispensable, owing to their stand-out role in the staff cast. Skill and talent will only get you so far. Small business people need to ask themselves: "am I disposable?" A more personal approach could help ensure you're not just another faceless creditor. Whether you're an owner, manager or employee, here are some ways to be unforgettable to the people you do business with.

Do other peoples' work

Help yourself by helping others. That's the tip from Michael Shevers, area manager at Drake Recruitment Services.
"Every manager can tell you that they don't have enough time in a day to manage every one of their employees equally," Shevers says.
"They would be grateful for the assistance of a pro-active team member who can help other team members solve problems, troubleshoot issues and find information."

Shevers says helping out – especially at your own inconvenience – will earn you kudos and forge strong team bonds and trust.

"Employees who help in this way are often the first to be thought of as indispensable."

Be an ideas' person

Shevers says finding ways to save money, increase client satisfaction or make a process more effective is another way of cementing your position.
"Being seen as an employee who, from time to time, can generate cost-saving or money-making ideas or company improvements is often a excellent way to be seen as indispensable.
"Time-poor managers would love to see staff who are engaged enough in the business to generate ideas like this and volunteer to follow through with making things happen.
"Don't overdo it. But always look for an opportunity to improve what your company does."

Be the bearer of good news

Don't shy away from blowing your own trumpet. Pass on positive company feedback – especially when you get a mention.
"Don't hide your light under a bushel when you get good feedback from a customer. Let your manager know that there is a happy customer on the phone, or forward that email with glowing feedback," Shevers says.
"This isn't gloating … most companies love to hear good feedback and would normally save this for marketing or other business purposes.
"Your manager is also likely to send this around to your colleagues, so you become unforgettable for all the right reasons."

Be an expert … at something

Create an "identity profile" and promote your expertise in an area you're familiar with.
"No one in the business knows everything about everything, so pick a topic that relates to your company and become an expert in it, a go-to person," Shevers says.
"Whether it's the company policy manual or the computer system, study up and soon you'll have a profile for the right reasons – knowledge that everyone will want to use at some stage."

Remind clients why you're needed

Being indispensable means your client feels that without you, their business will "suffer in some way," Shevers says.
"This kind of relationship is more than promoting your latest products or services.

"It's a way of integrating yourself into your client's business where they think of you as a partner, not a supplier."

Schedule time with clients so you have more opportunities to remind them why you're needed.
"Offer to sit in, or even present, in any of their regular business meetings where you can learn more about their business and teach them about how yours can assist them," Shevers suggests.
"Provide information that helps your clients. Regular, useful information about your client's market, customers or industry would be both an effective way to show you care and also that you know their business well.
"Invite your clients to your office or premises to show them how you do business and allow them to learn what happens when they ask for your products or services. It's like inviting an old friend into your home – it genuinely builds trust and loyalty," Shevers says.

Keep it real

Career coach Kate James from Total Balance Group says it's important to be "totally authentic".

"That doesn't mean being rude, but it means just be yourself," James says.

"Don't try to put on airs and graces, don't try to impress people – just learn to be comfortable in your own skin."

Under-promise and over-deliver

Don't forget the promises you made when pitching your business to clients, because they will remember.

"One of the worst things that we can do is to say we're going to do something and not actually follow through on that because we get busy or distracted," James says.

"Be true to your word."

Improve the office mood

You might share the same role as many others at work – but there is only one of you.

It's OK to demonstrate your individuality in order to stand out from the crowd, James says.
"Make a positive contribution to the culture of the organisation – I think that's really important. People do notice that positivity."

Respect yourself

James says it is important to "set healthy boundaries" and find a workplace that shares your values.
Extra hours do not always result in extra recognition.

"I don't think you want to be the last person to stay there at night. I think it's important to have a sense of self-respect," she says.

Never stop marketing

Just because you've secured a new client doesn't mean you should stop trying to win them over.

Michelle Gamble, "chief angel" at Marketing Angels, says taking clients to lunch is "an oldie, but a goodie".

"Nothing beats face-to-face time. It gives you an opportunity to build your relationship further when there's no other agenda." Provide the client with information or contacts from your network.

"Take the time to put together a review outlining what you've done and what you've achieved.

"If you have connections that could benefit your client, don't be afraid to use them.

"It could be introducing a potential new client to them, a great supplier, introducing them to a journalist you know or a networking group you know they could benefit from.

Do something unexpected: "surprise your client with new ideas, an unexpected gift or referral to them."

Sunday, March 17, 2013

身體好 沒秘訣,只要一直走

-慢走每天半小時........... ?

身體好 沒秘訣,只要一直走

「我 媽媽 今年已經90歲了,不僅能走能跑,腦筋還好得很。有她當榜樣,我當然也要活超過90歲才行囉!」花蓮門諾醫院暨相關機構總執行長黃勝雄生性樂觀,雖已年過七旬,他卻從不覺得自己老,每天仍像個年輕小伙子般,活得很帶勁。 

黃勝雄早年在美國匹茲堡大學醫學院任教,是享譽美國的腦神科外科專家,更是美國雷根總統當年! 指定的隨行醫師,年薪超過百萬美元,可說功成名就。



這些年來,他既要為醫院的長遠 發展而四處奔走募款,也要為腦部創傷病患施術。


長期? 咫U來,黃勝雄也走出了心得,每次出門走路都走到微微冒汗的程度,心跳則高出正常值三成左右,也就是說若正常心跳為每分鐘70下的話,就走到每分鐘心跳90下上下,既可達到運動效果,也不至於對身體造成太大負擔。



運動量不大,堅持下去就見效 :


為了檢視運動成果,每次運動完沖過澡後,他就站上磅秤,只要體重超過BMI(身體質量指數)的正常標準,接下來的幾天裡,他就從日常飲食中變花樣,少吃高熱量食物,務必將體重拉 回正常範圍內才恢復正常飲食。




常保樂 觀心,趕走自由基 :

黃勝雄認為,還要常保一顆樂觀的心,因為唯有敞開心胸,才可以減少自由基對健康的威脅,「不要說90歲,長命百歲也沒問題。」黃勝雄表示,自由基無所不在,看似難以應付,但只要生活規律,不暴飲暴食,不抽菸,不酗酒,加上養成規律運動,自然能將這個危害健康的因子壓到最低 。但他強調,健康不可能不勞而獲,一定要有實際行動,再配合堅強! 的意志力才行。

Monday, March 11, 2013

Red Hill - Dromana

TODAY IS LABOR DAY HOLIDAY AND SM AND I WANT TO TAKE A DRIVE AROUND THE MORNINGTON PENINSULA. The forecast is sunny and 36 degrees. There will be no cool change until coming Thursday. Damn. Lucky for us the aircond in the car is effective.

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First stop is Estat Bukit Merah a.l.a. The Red Hill Estate in Red Hill South. Red Hill is in the hinterland on the Peninsula between Dromana and Safety Beach.

The Max's Restaurant is well known and has won the Victorian Tourism Award 2010 & 2011 and the Australian Tourism Award in 2010 for Restaurant and Catering Services.

Unfortunately they only serve a standard 3 course meal today and so we find ourselves a table at The Still Water which serves 2 course meals.

Still Water is part of the Crittenden Estate. We are in uncharted waters as we have not dined there before.

 Red Hill Estate with view of the Bay in the far background - stunning view seen in person

 Crittenden Estate - lunch at Still Water

 Dukkah, estate made olive oil and salt flakes for the bread roll. This restaurant is a little "stingy" - they only serve one bread roll p.p.

We ordered two serves of twice cooked pork belly, honeyed onion puree,  shaved radicchio, fennel  & apple salad, chorizo and apple caviar; because we both like pork. However the pork belly is too fatty for SM's liking and I could see she hates it. " This is just like 东波肉, why won't you have it?" SM would have not a bar of it. She is like "Don't talk me into it! And don't you have it either.". Oh oh.
SM's main - Slow cooked Tuscan style lamb rump with, fondant potato, spinach puree and pepperonata. She likes this dish because she asks for the lamb to be well done. And they did..... Lucky for me she likes the dish or else I will be the 罪人 because I recommended her to eat it. OMG.

My 150-day grain fed Diamantina Angus eye fillet steak, roasted chat potatoes, organic vegetables with an onion & pine nut agrodolce, bone marrow fritter & a sherry vinegar jus. Hmmm. Yummy. Just the right amount for me.

The meals are value for money but the service is below average because they are fully booked today and the lamb is seasoned 太重手。It's a 6/10 by my resident professional cook.
We go up 1/2 way to Arthur's Seat to take in the view, for old time's sake.We have been there many times before but today, by far, is the hottest day we visit this spot. Not nice.

Daylesford - Hepburn Springs 2

THE LAKE HOUSE PROPERTY HAS A BEAUTIFUL LAKE,  or else it would not be named Lake House. It reminds us of our previous home Bukit Gita Bayu set in the hills on the outskirt of KL which has a Balinese lake. We enjoy the lake, reminiscent a little about our past....

And today it feels like we are in KL as it is very hot and humid. But if the weather was 10 degrees cooler then it would have been a picture perfect, indeed a fantastic day.

I like this gum tree, tall and steady.

Chalets atop the little hill beyond the lake.

Possums aplenty here, no doubt they come out to play at night

Later we visit Hepburn Springs which is only 3km north of Daylesford. Outside of the Bathhouse we liberally take naturally spring water from the taps. The spring water tastes like soda water, but has some traces of sulphur in it. It's very cold, thirst quenching of course. But after a few sips we think it's not for us. Maybe we should have brought a water filter with us....

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daylesford - Hepburn Springs 1

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" IS THIS THE WAY TO WODONGA?". ASKS MY DEAR WIFE. Aiyoyo OMG this woman has no sense of direction at all, I am afraid. We are heading north westerly this morning and not northerly my dear; for Australia's spa capital - Daylesford and Hepburn Springs region, set in the Flinders Ranges.
First stop, the Daylesford Sunday Market at the Railway Station. The day is hot and sunny, very sunny. Stall holders selling knick knacks as if browsers have not had enough clutter in their lives. We only stay there for 10 minutes or so, preferring to be away from the crowd. As if the long weekend crowds of people are not enough we also have to contend with Mardi Grad revelers.   

Feeling famished, we phone ahead to the Lake house to make a booking for a table for two and promptly get ourselves seated in Two Chefs Hats 10 minutes later. Lucky we get the seats. This is a fine dining experience for us and we are usually not in this league. But what the heck, we only live once, and the Lake House is highly acclaimed in its food, spa, and hotel.

Two Chefs Hats - The Age Good Food Guide. Australia's Best Regional Wine List - Gourmet Traveler Wine. The Australian Hot 50.

My entrée, crispy pig, red radish, bacon and a lot of other ingredients I forgot or cannot identify .....

SM's main is snapper with squid ink pasta, artichoke, mussels, seasonal greens and mussel foam sauce. It looks very busy. 

My main consisting of chicken, scallops, prosciutto, some puree I cannot identify, and some other bits and pieces I cannot tell what exactly they are! The plate looks really beautiful like in Master Chef Professional tv programs. First time I ate a flower, too.

Empty plate but we still feel hungry after eating our mains. Damn.

Dessert is a de-constructed  cheese cake - caramelized banana, butter, parfait of peanut butter (savoury), sesame ice cream,  sesame tuilles. I am not a food critic, but man, this is good.

The coffee is really good. Can rival St. Ali's. Over all the dishes we have had today are out f this world. They are so complex and so unusual to or palette. I feel I am more "educated" now than before I have the meal but really, I am not. I now know that it takes so much effort to cook a great dish, and it takes even more to be able to discern a great dish than a good one.

Friday, March 8, 2013


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HUGH KING ASKS ME TO HELP HIM DO A SITE SURVEY TODAY IN LEONGATHA which is in the South Gippsland region. I agree without reservations because a) I like his attitude, b) I have nothing pressing to do, and c) I have flown over Leongatha and the surrounding areas a lot but I have never been to these places. This opportunity to visit Leongatha appeals to me a lot because it will be fun to see the places I have flown over and spend some time on the ground and I am getting paid for it!

We set off in our cars from Dandenong South at 10.15am and track in a South Easterly direction past Cranbourne and Korumbarra. I make a pit stop at Korumbarra and take some photos. Photos here show the Korumbarra train station and the public toilets where I answer my nature's call. Korumbarra is 15 kms from Leongatha and has an airfield, so does Leongatha. So from the air I could identify the 2 towns well by finding the 2 airfields. Leongatha is 95km from my office and I reach there in about 1 1/2 hours and park my car in the Mackers car park to wait for Hugh. I then buy a KFC lunch box and have lunch with Hugh in the shade outside the Leongatha Small Bore & Air Rifle Club. 

Our site visit today is to Murray Goulburn's milk and butter facilities.  Murray Goulburn processes about 1/3 of the nation’s milk supply into quality products which are sold on both domestic and export markets. 

MG manufactures long life milk under many brand names including the famous Devondale (we use their 1 litre milk long life milk in my home); and others like Dutch Lady (for the China market), Paul's, and Pura Milk. I take a picture of their processing line but the conveyor is moving so fast that my phone camera could not capture a nice picture.

We spend some 3 hours on site taking in all the details. What do they need? What helps them? What can be done better? Taking photos and jotting down all the nitty gritty of their existing material handling fleet does take a lot of time.

At 3.30pm we leave the site and it's coffee time. We find this cafe "LULU" (still in Leongatha) interesting - lots of knick knacks, oil paintings, signage and quirky stuff. Hugh and I spend an hour there in the cafe talking about our lives and life's views. He is a people person and it shows. He demonstrates he is sincere and helpful to others. I have learned to be helpful in a corporate sense through him. Good one, Hugh.

4.30pm we bid each other good wishes and leave in our cars to head home. Hugh lives in a rural town called Flinders in the Western Port. I guess he will go sailing this weekend because it's a long weekend. As for me I plan to travel a few hundred kms out to visit a few smaller towns in Victoria. It will be good and I am looking forward to the trips.

68km out from Leongatha towards Melbourne I stop by the Tooradin airfield just outside of Tooradin, to take a look if there is any plane taking off or landing there. A friend of mine Grant Nelson, flies his plane out of this airfield. Nah, not this afternoon although it's been a beautiful day to fly. There is a gentle breeze coming in from the north west but nothing that a good pilot cannot handle. Great day to fly, great day to live, and great day to be in this part of the world.......