Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

10,000 steps a day - PART 2 (Review)

Just for myself I have kept data for my 10,000 steps a day personal challenge. Initially I aim at doing 4,000 steps of daily bush walk. Including other daily routine activities I think 10,000 steps a day is a good challenge for me if I can do this consistently over the short term (i.e. Feb to June). Of course I will falter and stumble along the way and may not reach my goal but I don't care ...... it's a Goal that is it.

Week of 13 Feb 2012

                    Steps    Distance (Km)    Kcal    Fat (g)
Day1            2535    1.2                     32       1.6   (no ex, northcote duties)   
Day2            7467    5.2                     214     13.1 (bellbird dell) 
Day3            9378    6.5                     144     7.5   (no ex, busy home duties)   
Day4            5906    4.1                     67       3.5   (no ex, rained)   
Day5            13091  9.1                     346     21.8 (bellbird dell)   
Day6            8581    6.0                     252     15.7 (bellbird dell) 
Day7            4906    3.4                    168      10.2 (bellbird dell)
Total 1 wk    51864  35.5                  1223    73.4
No of days   7          7                        7          7
Avg day       7409    5.1                    174.7    10.5

First observation is I did not reach my goal. Never mind...... I shall try again....

From my week 1's data which I think is interesting because no matter what daily activities one is doing one can actually be quite comforted to know that it's not too difficult to clock at least 3,000 to 5,000 steps and lose some fat.

This I hope give us incentives to get into some kind of activity other than exercise IF WE CANNOT afford the time or are lazy, such as:

- Shopping in a mall (quite intensive walking but slow paced therefore low fat burn)
- Lunch time office walks for 10 minutes
- Take a public transport and walk some distance to your destination
- Walk around the neighborhood for 10 minutes 3 times a week
- Play a game of golf
- Park your car one block from your destination and walk

NOTE TO SELF: On Day 1, 3 and 4 I did not manage to do my bush walk and so I clocked low number of steps and low fat burn. But on days I bush walked the calorie burn and fat burn were considerably higher. So the pedometer distinguishes hard, consistent activities and works out higher numbers in Kcal and fat burns.

The large calorie, kilogram calorie (Kcal), dietary calorie, or food calorie approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C. This is exactly 1,000 small calories or about 4.2 kilojoules. It is also called the nutritionist's calorie.
One final thought to self. I am surprised I walked an average of 5km a day!

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