Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Monday, May 28, 2012


我觉得我们在吉隆坡五月份逗留的四个星期时间太长了,太久了人就会闷; 好再今天我们就来到河内。 这是我一直都想来经历的地方之一;但因为以前做生意的时候更本没时间,也没机会到来河内。。。所以到今天我们才来到这越南首都学人当游客。 

在河内我们先住 Hanoi Old Quarters 两晚, 因为它靠近还剑湖 Lake Hoan Kiem ("Lake of the Returned Sword" or "Lake of the Restored Sword")。过两晚后我们会搬去 Cathedral Quarters,也是在 还剑湖区。

Mai Hotel 是位埴在河内的旧区, 而旧区共有三十六条老街; 几乎是每拐一个弯就可见到不一样的街景 - 墓碑街、银饰街、祭神用品街、鞋街、画廊街等。在这片区域内的几十条街中,每一条街都是同一商品的专卖街,而且所卖的商品主要是针对越南本地人。当然这里也有很多家庭客栈,是背包族在河内落脚的首选。可以说,这些没有针对外国游客而加以修饰的老街,确实是观察体念当地人生活的好去处。

Check in 之后我们就到处去走走, 这就是自油行的好处, 我们自己 set agenda。也是说, time rich, resource poor!

We arrive Mai Hotel Hanoi bright and early at around 10am. The sky is grey and it is showery. We are lucky we are given our room with two QB's that early in the morning and we promptly settle in and head out of MAI to stretch our legs and to find our bearings. The hotel receptionist recommends us to have our pho (beef or chicken in beef broth and rice noodles) brunch at PHO GIA TRUYEN at 49 Ban Dat St which is just next street from where we are or the Cha Ca (Cha Ca is a famous Hanoi grilled snake head fish in dill, spring onion and other herbs) on Duong Thanh St opposite MAI. Instead we find this little roadside stall selling rice noodle in a kind of tomato broth with fried pork and some kind of snails. We decide to be adventurous and order our rice noodle with the hot broth but minus the snails.

The soup tastes delicious. And we also have our first glasses of iced Vietnamese coffee at the stall.

Feeling nourished we venture out and make our way in an easterly direction towards the Hoan Kiem Lake in a leisurely fashion, taking in the sights and sounds of late morning Hanoi. We hope to find the Water Puppet Show Theater so we can enjoy the puppet show in the afternoon, which every tourist to Hanoi would have seen, it seems. We manage to find the Lake and also the Theater.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Misc KL

星期五我跟弟弟去 KLCC 看 MIB3, 我们先去5楼的 food court 吃午餐然候去 LG 喝咖啡加奶 + kuih。 看戏之前我们还有点时间结果去 Kinokuniya 诳诳, 还买了本书 - 林悦的行地平线 (两个马来西亚人,一男一女竟然可以抛下一切,把所有的都换上钱换了个背包客的名称,然后随着地图上的世界去行走)。

弟弟问我, “ 姨丈你喜欢看书吗?”
我答说, “是呀, 书对我来说是很重要的。”

星期六中午我们请 J + KP 去巴生吃肉骨茶, 这是我第四次吃了这上瘾的东西; 我想是不是吃了太多次呢?

饭后还就跟了他们去 KWC 学人看 fashion show ....... 哈哈

Friday, May 25, 2012


今天我遇外进到一个博客 ONG SIW KIM

Kim ( 在博客里畅谈她个人对优遁草能治癌的亲身体验。

听说优遁草已医好千多人 。。。。。


刘联辉先生,Taiping (马来西亚)
住家地圵:62,Taman Bukit Mas,
Jalan Mah Poi Nu 34000, Taiping
HP: 010-3814643

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


二十二曰 - 今天一大早就得載 Miraz 去 Sentral 搭 ERL train 去 KLIA. He's going back to Labuan 而他的回程还没肯定。然後 SM 和我倆人就去了巴生吃早餐 - Bakut Teh 肉骨茶. 我們叫了豆腐泡, kar-wan, soft bones 和油條. 感覺上德記的肉骨茶很有味道, 是在我們 memory 中的味道一樣; 價錢還是三十多块而已, 是温馨的感觉。

早餐後我們就去 Shah Alam Land office to 去修改邮寄地址. 後來才知道地址以前已修改过了; because we have been receiving our cukai tanah at the right street address. 那我們就不必但心 Hakmilik Sementara 的 address is not our present mailing address了.

還找出來一有用的资料: 如要从 Hakmilik Sementara 改到 Hakmilik Kekal 的話 我们得交上副本, 已付的地税单和 P.A. (power of attoney) from JUPEM at RM6. JUPEM (Jabatan Ukur Dan Pemetaan Malaysia) Selangor is at 16th Floor of Plaza Shah Alam, near Concorde Hotel.

下午我們去了趟 SW 的家連帶吃了她煮的出前一定腼仔! 边看電視 (Thomas Cup) 便吃腼也答应了星期五帶“弟弟”去 KLCC 看 3.45 分的 MIB 3 因为他刚考完试太聞了。

下來我們就去了 Jln Ampang 銀行 dook 錢, 還去隔壁的 Secret Recipe drink flat white. 然後 SM 去了 LE 的 office 交上点白金因 KB 的父親過世了。 那時的時间已超过五点, 天也黑黑的像要下雨的样子。

我們也抓紧时间在六点前会到 Mont Kiara. 晚飯就在 Julie 家吃煎何包蛋和兩样抄蔬菜, 平平淡淡的菜也可以接受. 8.30pm 我們就看我們的 favorite program ..... 韩剧 Big Thing 23 starring Ko Hyun Jung and Kwon Sang Woo

一天就這樣過去了! 人生如此也有它的乐趣,修修闲闲, 一点压力,喜欢做什么就做什么。

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Stoba78 Dinner @ Ipoh 怡保聚会

The group of 6 - Tong Leong, Hock Choong, Wong Sir, Tuck Ming, Tali and SP met for dinner @ Soon Fatt Restaurant (42 Jalan Seenivasagam) on 20 May 2012. This restaurant is situated in the same row as the Oversea Restaurant opposite Excelsior Hotel.

Thanks to Hock Choong we have a wonderfully arranged 客房 and nice food at the dinner. On the matter in question amongst the 6 attendees I have reflected since the dinner on the heavy task laid on me by HC, WS, T and TM:- what do I do with the RM250? If it was 25K or 250K I will certain sponsor yours truly with a world tour! I would appreciate some ideas from you 4 stooges ..... Thanks in advance! 

The dinner atmosphere was not boisterous but lively with lots of intellectual exchanges of minds plus free flow of the golden liquid courtesy of Hock Choong and Tong Leong. We also wondered where Wusu Nelson was up to as to why he did not turn up. Kee Mun was also missed as he preferred to be by himself in KL. And Bao Bao was no sound so picture after a few promptings. We guessed Indonesia has its attractions to him.

Quotable Quotes of the night-

" I can stop work anytime but what do I do if I stop work? " 
" What is happiness? " 
" COO and CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) " 
" Is happiness an end point? "

Wow, certainly a heavy night and lots of food for thoughts. Until we meet again and hopefully not too long! 人生与朋喝酒有几何?大家都说有朋远来定要好好聚一聚, 敲一敲杯子。

At lunch we met at "Toddy Place" 椰花酒 near 高温街 for lunch. There was Kee Mun and Kim, Kong Ho and his family plus Boon Chong.First off there was the 半肥瘦燒肉 eaten with tooth picks, of course. This was washed down with Carlsberg which was on promotion. 哈哈。

Then more on order and came served piping hot were 酱蒸红非洲鱼, 大肠抄黄梨, Belacan 抄蕃薯叶, 还加抄Lala; 大家吃得高高兴兴。Unfortunately we did not order  椰花酒 .....

Kee Mun being the lunch "host" of course was responsible for dividing the food .....

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

After breakfast on 21 May I drove around Ipoh wanting to "relive" my memories of the place I knew. I found myself doing this "routine" more often as the years go by; whenever I get the chance. I kinda just let the memories of the old come back to me as I drove "aimlessly" by .... Jalan Brockman, New Pasir Putih, Jalan Pasir Mas, Pengkalan, old town, Padang Ipoh, Kinta River, Gunung Rapat, Simpang Pulai, Tiger Lane, Thomson Road, Greentown, Cathay cinema and 大华戏院. Along this route I stopped and took pictures of a few places I knew well ..... I realized maybe I was the only person in Ipoh I know of who was doing what I did today i.e. reliving the memories ..........

This did not bring any gain except I felt somewhere inside of me it got tucked at a little. 人越老越会想起自己的童年与朋友; 少时的生活点点滴滴, 回亿中给我带来蛮多感触。

 I stayed at the new Tune Hotel located just behind Cathay cinema. I noticed there is now a 7-11 on the main street already. 我们当学生的时候如果去那间 KFC 已经很”威“的了。

 In my old neighborhood - this temple has not changed in more than 50 years
 The  Kelab Kilat football field in New Pasir Putih


" Genting " - where we used to have our lunch meals there after school and there wasn't even this hawker center then
Cnr of Jln Yang Kalsom and Jln Idris Shah - we used to have our nasi ganja nearby
My school + St Michael's Church
 I stopped by at Sin Kong Ming in old town for a cup of Ipoh white coffee. I think the lady who was making the coffee still recognized me. She smiled at me twice; maybe she found me familiar looking.

Memories @ Jln Bijih Timah old town

Mom and dad used to come to Sin Yoon Loong often for coffee
 Our Hakka Association

怡保永远是 special to us .................