Mt Merapi, Java

Mt Merapi, Java
Mt Merapi, Java early one morning in May 2011

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Faces of China


This guys is friendly to us outside the roast duck restaurant in a hutong

This trader was relaxing in his "lazy chair" at Liulichang, oblivious to all the tourists passing him by.



Guy with the funny hairdo reading his QQ messages

Ceremonial guard @ 大雁塔

Our young tour guide

This guy is smoking his cigarette whilst working on packing his biscuit


Taking a piss

A small trader

Summer hairdo

 This guy gives us tips on crossing the busy road 

Not using safety harnesses

Convenience is the word

 Bride at wedding photo shoot

 Taking a smoke break

Girl in ballet outfit. Mom is buying tickets to the movies

Taking a snooze in the shade is great in the summer heat

 She sells us some t shirts

Cooking our 泡膜

 This lass is from Xi'an

This trader sells us beer at RMB 3 a bottle

 Preparations and discipline

 One for the memory - in the correct attire

Making 花生糖

 It is a hot day .....

Making the 泡膜 bread in a dusty backyard lane

 Couples taking wedding photos. The bride has to stand on some bricks in order to look taller than she is.

 Summer fashion

But in boots?


 Smoking behind a tree

 Chinese opera performance @ a park - for their own amusement

 I am sure sax is not a traditional Chinese musical instrument

 American kids

Devotees @ 大雁塔

 Writing devotee's name on a tile

Flight from Xi'an to Beijing. She's very tired. It's been a long day

He must be her son

We love his work

It's so hot inside this BBQ restaurant

Friends @ 胡同 eating BBQ 羊腿

Happy folks singing in the park

Sincere devotee @ 景山

One for the QQ

The mom was very proud of her kid and was happy for us to take this photo

Taichi routine of some sort

Old folks enjoying their social dances

Watching couples dance in the park

。。。 and the tourists join in

This guy is eating ice cream inside the "toy man" costume

She is giving me the old eye

Happy brothers. They were happy for us to take their photo

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